Our Mission

Our mission is to prevent homelessness among immigrant and refugee communities, creating pathways to stability, opportunity, and empowerment.

Our Vision

Our vision is a Johnson County community where every immigrant and refugee family has safe, affordable housing and where systemic barriers to integration are dismantled. We envision a future where immigrants are welcomed and empowered to build thriving lives, contributing positively to our diverse community.

  • We believe in empowering new immigrants and refugees to become agents of change in their own lives and communities.

  • We prioritize equity in our programs and services, addressing systemic barriers and promoting fair access to opportunities for all new immigrants and refugees.

  • We are committed to creating inclusive spaces where every voice, particularly those of new immigrants and refugees, is heard and valued.

  • We believe in the power of collaboration and partnership with new immigrants, refugees, community organizations, and other stakeholders to achieve meaningful impact.

  • We stand with our new immigrant and refugee community members through challenges, offering resources and support to build resilence.

Our Values