Find Ways to Help

Help with housing and employment!

Our network connects newly arrived immigrants and refugees with compassionate landlords and employers to assist with the transition of resettlement.

Landlord Network

IWNJC partners with landlords willing to provide rental housing options for newly arrived refugees and immigrants choosing Johnson County as their new home. This collaborative effort plays a pivotal role in providing safe and welcoming housing for individuals and families in need, as well as helping to establish financial security. Are you — or is someone you know — a landlord willing to help play this vital role for our families?

Employer Network

IWNJC engages with enthusiastic employers that are open to hiring immigrants and refugees with limited English proficiency and who have chosen Johnson County as their new residence. We know how difficult it can be to find employment with limited English skills, and we believe in the power of inclusive economies. That’s why IWNJC assists with translation during orientation and matches a community member with the employee for a full day of on-the-job training in a language they understand. If you are or know an employer who would be interested:
